Getting Here

Olivi Museum, Palazzo Grassi
riva Canal Vena, 1281 - 30015 Chioggia (Ve)
Ph. +39 041 401774 - fax +39 041 5501272

By plane

Chioggia is about 60 km far from the Venice airport Marco Polo and about 75 km from Treviso Canova airport; ACTV busses from Marco Polo airport and ATVO busses from Canova airport reach Venice Piazzale Roma from where you can take ARRIVA VENETO bus, line 80, to Chioggia-Sottomarina.

By train

Rovigo railway station is has a daily connection with Chioggia:

By bus

From Padova Bus Station, next to Padova Railway Station, take the BUSITALIA VENETO bus to Chioggia-Sottomarina, it leaves every 30 minutes. From Mestre or Venezia Piazzale Roma Bus Station, take the ARRIVA VENETO   bus to Chioggia-Sottomarina, it leaves every 30 minutes. By boat: ACTV line 11 connects Venice to Chioggia, throughout the Lagoon.

By car

Chioggia is in the southern part of the Venice Lagoon, along the SS309 – Romea, about 60 km from Venice and from Padova, 100 km from Ravenna.

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