
The entrance to the museum is free for school groups and their teachers.

The tours take place from Tuesday to Saturday, only in the morning, upon reservation. The cost of the tour is 3 euro for groups with the minimun of 15 units .

The Museum offers to teachers three detailed texts designed to revive in classroom and deepen the issues encountered during the tour. 

Chioggia e il Museo Olivi"Chioggia and the Museum of the University of Padua Giuseppe Olivi", is dedicated to the tradition of Natural Sciences of the city, tracing the eventful history of the collection and highlighting its current value.


Due parole sul mare AdriaticoThe second one, "Two Words about the Adriatic Sea" presents the different environments characterizing Adriatic Sea and Venice Lagoon and the organisms inhabiting them.



Il museo e la scuola

The third one, "The Museum and School", is organized as  a teaching manual, with the intent to support teachers in facilitating and promoting  the understanding of the topics emerged during the visit at the Museum.

These three publications are available only in Italian language. They will be given for free to teachers that has anyway to specifically request them to the staff of the Museum (; ph. 041/401774), filling an application form.

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