The Fish Market

There are several fish markets for the wholesale trade operating in the coastal area between Chioggia and the Po Delta: the most famous and largest one is in Chioggia town while, some smaller ones are in Porto Viro, Pila-Porto Tolle, and Scardovari.The fish market for wholesale trade of Chioggia was established in 1960, on the Cantieri Island (Boatyards) in between channels Lusenzo and San Domenico, and today it is one of the national most important centers for storage, processing, and sale of fish products.Initially exclusively devoted to the marketing of fresh local and national seafood, it is now a mixed market and commercializes also imported fish and processed products.Every day, but Sundays, two auction sales of fish and seafood take place, at 03.00am and at 03.00pm. They are reserved mainly to wholesaler and small to medium traders. The way auctions are realized is a tradition that has been preserved over time: the auction is silent, after assessing the extent and the quality of the seafood, the astatore (auctioneer) collects the traders’ offers whispered in his ear and eventually awards the best bidder. Fish and seafood then reach their destinations, the fishmongers of inland cities as well as the retail fish markets, more typical of seaside towns.Along Canal Vena in Chioggia, under gaudy red awnings, stands the retail fish market, whose access, Portal Prisca, was entirely sculpted by Amleto Sartori. In this fascinating scenario buyers can find a good choice of seafood products.

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