The Museum Diploma - 2015

An experience at the museum as guides and science communicators

Built up in the idea that the respect for species and natural environments is based in knowledge and understanding, a mission of the the Museum G. Olivi, is to promote the dialogue with local schools. Young people are the future and it is vital that they know the beauty, the value but also the vulnerability of their territory.The project "The Museum Diploma", now at its second edition, comes from a proposal of the Fondazione Clodiense ONLUS, that embodies perfectly the aims of the Museum G. Olivi, and is dedicated to students attending the last two years at High School in Chioggia, Cavarzere and Cona . The project aims to promote a strong and direct link between young people, at the end of their school career, and the dissemination of culture about marine environments, involving some students in the museum activities. After an initial phase devoted to the selection of candidates, by the marine biologists of Bluscienza , eight students will enter a phase of training at the museum, where they will have the opportunity to learn the basics of science popularization and to implement techniques for an effective communication. In August the three more promising students will flank marine biologists as museum guides, receiving a scholarship of € 500, funded by the Foundation Clodiense ONLUS.Museum Giuseppe Olivi – Palazzo Grassi – ChioggiaSelection of candidates by May 2015

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