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The Room of Fishing Traditions

In the last room of the museum, visitors may sit and watch videos. Here biology and ecology are replaced by information on the fishing and cultural traditions of Chioggia, whose raison d'ĂȘtre relies in its relationship with marine ecosystems. How has the sea changed in the last 150 years? In the past the canals of Chioggia were teeming with bragagne (typical 3-masted trawlers) and bragozzi (typical 2-masted trawlers) while today are crowded with huge powered fishing vessels. The colours of the sails dwindle as they are outshone by motor efficiency... and fishes sold at the market are no longer the same.The thought-provoking descriptive panels and the multimedia contents on marine environments and the present fishing situation, challenge visitors to choose the subject they wish to analyse in greater depth.